All Girls Are Princesses

Re-discover who you are and what you're capable of, through courses that are transformational and fun too!

The Beginning...

Do you remember reading stories or watching movies about fairy tales or princesses when you were a little girl?

Did you spend hours letting your imagination run wild and dreaming about being a princess?

Was your faith unshakable, as you believed that anything was possible?

The Middle...

But the heartaches and callous realities of life can throw water on our dreams and quench the fire in us until it is barely a spark.

Or maybe someone told us it was time to grow up, or time to wake up...

Yet what if with all our attempts at waking up, we actually fell asleep?

The Possibility

What can we do to help us to wake up?

And could it be that in our awakening, is when we are able to dream again?

I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags, even if they aren’t pretty, or smart, or young. They’re still princesses.

Frances Hodgson Burnett, A Little Princess


Hello, and welcome to A Touch Of Happy!

I’m Faithaline Hippolyte – Course Creator, Author, and Senior Professional In Human Resources (SPHR).

I believe that all girls are princesses, because of our inherent value, and the unique quality that each one of us possesses.

It’s time to get a grip on your mind, and start to dream again, and believe in who you are, and what you’re capable of.

And who better to guide you back to that place of belief and possibility, than your favorite fairy tale princesses!

That’s where the courses on this website come in: as you engage with the stories and examine the lessons drawn from them, you will be encouraged to apply what you learn, and see your life transformed for the better.

Click any one of the links below to learn more.